Friday, May 17, 2019


The purpose of this assignment Students who successfully pick up this assignment will be able to present critical arguments around ICTs for development projects and demonstrate their capabilities associate to engaging with textual and numerical data to present information in a presentation format. get back any project where ICTs were applied in contexts such as those described in this chapter, in your local anaesthetic community, own city, province or country, or elsewhere in the world and/or that you have been multiform with. Ensure that you identify the following aspects in your case study 1.Title of the project 2. Website address(es) that provide information round the project 3. Introduction & Background, including details on the project o Rationale (what was the reason for the project/ wherefore was it needed? ) o Start date, duration (this far) and status (ongoing, completed, etc. ) 4. A description of the project, including details on o The ICT4D solutions that was used i n the project o The strengths and weaknesses of the project 5. You could also add things like o Major partners o Major stakeholders Who initiated the process? o Who were the target beneficiaries? o Who were the service providers? o How did the first work? o Was there a local champion (some-one from the local community who represented the interests of that community)? cause a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 8 slides that provide the information as detailed above. furnish your presentation via the Dropbox facility. Assessment rubric for Assignment 9 0 Nothing submitted 0% 1 unmatched or more, but NOT all, of the required aspects have been addressed 10% 2 20% 3 30% 4 40% 5 All required aspects have been addressed 50% 6 Additional aspects added and/or 65% 7 A project from the students local community, own city, province or country and/or that the student was involved 8 with is presented

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